Friday, February 15, 2013

Bad Credit Loan - Financial Help For Low Scorers

The number of people with bad credit history is increasing day by day. And once you attain this tag, it becomes impossible to wash this stain off. Any request for personal loan by people with bad credit was generally declined. But now bad credit loans are designed especially to meet the requirements of people having bad credit record.

Bad credit loans are crafted specifically to help those who have credit problems like CCJs, IVA, loan non repayment, arrears or defaults etc against their name. Now, with the help of this loan, they can meet their demands like home refurbishing, paying education fees, wedding expenses, paying off debts or buying a vehicle.

Bad credit loans can be availed in two forms, secured and unsecured. For secured bad credit loan one is required to pledge an asset as collateral. The amount derived is based on the equity value of collateral. One can avail an amount ranging from £ 5000 and £ 75000 with a repayment term of 5- 25 years.

Unsecured bad credit loans are collateral free. So those who don't want to risk their asset can opt for unsecured loan type. But the interest rate charged is slightly higher in it. Unsecured options advance the amount ranging between £ 1000 and £25000 with a repayment term of 6 months- 10 years.

Various banks and financial institution are ready to lend bad credit loans provided you produce documents of your income and bank statements. This will satisfy the lender of your repaying ability. Many lucrative deals on the loan amount are available online also. Online dealing is comparatively faster and saves a lot of time.

With the help of bad credit loans, the people with credit problems can solve their troubles and can also improve their credit score by paying off the loan in time. To maintain a healthy credit score, borrower must ensure to repay the installments regularly.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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